Does your skin tone appear unhealthy? As you age, you may begin to notice this issue, along with dark circles, fine lines, and sagging skin around your eyes and mouth. To remedy these issues, doctors have developed an advanced treatment known as Platelet Rich Plasma therapy. It utilizes ingredients in the blood to regenerate the skin.

We know that blood is essentially a liquid, but its components are much more complex than most people realize. It is made up of platelets, red cells, and white cells. Each of these components has a unique function in the body, and they all work together in a system to keep us functioning properly.

Platelets, for instance, are important for blood clotting. They also contain several hundred proteins, called growth factors. These are required for healing wounds and injuries. PRP injections can also help revitalize collagen and lead to healthier and younger-looking skin.

What Is Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)?

PRP is well known for its skin-rejuvenation benefits. Unlike other facial-rejuvenation fillers like Juvederm and PRP provides comprehensive facial rejuvenation instead of just wrinkle reduction. The fillers target specific wrinkles, while PRP provides overall enhancement.

With a fair understanding of the blood composition, we can define PRP as plasma that contains a higher percentage of platelets as compared to normal blood. PRP (a portion of your blood with increased platelet concentration) is helpful in promoting the healing of injured ligaments, tendons, joints, and muscles.

How It Works

The procedure begins with a blood draw. Once the doctor obtains a blood sample from you, he will put it into a centrifuge machine. This tool helps in separating the multiple components of blood. It will take out and concentrate stem cells, growth factors, and platelets that are essential for tissue healing.

The administration of PRP takes place through an injection. When the PRP is injected in the skin, its high concentration of platelets will stimulate the collagen. The accurate placement of platelet-rich plasma is made possible with the help of ultrasound guidance.

Once the injection is given, the patient is advised to avoid any kind of exercise for a brief time period. Since the patient’s own blood is utilized for the treatment, there is zero risk of any transmissible infection. Any chance of an allergic reaction is also minimized.

Along with the aesthetic benefits to the skin, a PRP injection can also treat the following conditions:

  • Osteoarthritis of shoulder, knee, spine, and hip
  • ACL injuries
  • Neck and back injuries
  • Rotator cuff tears
  • Ligament sprain
  • Chronic plantar fasciitis
  • Tennis elbow
  • Pelvic pain
  • Tendinitis

Length of Procedure and Results

The PRP injection procedure usually lasts for a few hours (this includes preparation). It is performed in a clinical facility and does not require general anesthesia or a hospital stay. Most patients are able to return to their normal routine immediately after the treatment. You may experience initial improvement within a couple of weeks.

Contact Our Office

Contact us to schedule a consultation to learn more about PRP injections. During your consultation, Dr. William Evans, double-board-certified in internal medicine and Nephrology, will answer any questions and concerns you have about the procedure. Call us to begin your journey toward healthier and younger-looking skin today!