3D Microblading is an innovative new method of drawing 3D hairstrokes directly on the skin’s surface using a specially designed tool along with all-natural color pigment.
Unlike an eyebrow tattoo, the Real Brows 3D method does not leave a flat, dull look and is a MUCH safer treatment. The ink fades over time until nothing is left behind, resulting in a much more natural brow.
Pigment colors are custom blended for each client prior to the procedure and the brow shape is customized according to your face and bone structure. The results last 6 months to 1 year. Touch-up treatments can extend the life of the new brow.
Learn more about Microblading on NewBeauty.com
Sparse brows? No brows at all? Or maybe you just can’t achieve that dream shape? 3D Brows also called Eyebrow Embroidery or Microblading, is the answer for you!
- Process: The procedure utilizes a very small blade composed of several tiny needles to manually deposit ink into the skin.
- Timeline: During your visit you will sit for 30-45 minutes with numbing cream, then the process itself will take approximately 60 minutes. Once completed, we will book your mandatory touch up appointment for 4 weeks time.
- Ink: Deposited in a natural stroke pattern, it’s designed to mimic real brow hair. The color pigments are specifically designed to match natural brow colours, and are able to be adjusted at the second appointment.
- Mapping: To begin the process we map out the brow to find the most optimal shape for your face, thereby creating what ideally would have grown in naturally.
- Comfort: Clients are numbed for ultimate comfort.
- Longevity: 6-18 months

Brow Neutralization
Brow neutralization is a process that involves using corrective pigments to counteract the unwanted color in your existing PMU brows. Whether your brows have turned too red, blue, gray, or orange over time, neutralizing pigments are carefully selected to balance and tone the color to a more natural, skin-appropriate shade. This technique is ideal for those who have had previous eyebrow tattoos that no longer match their natural skin tone or preferences and do not want to undergo laser removal options.